Founded in 1977, it has its origins in a preceding organization, OFICEMA, established in 1951.
To fulfill its tasks, ANAVE, among others:
- Produces reports, studies and applications of technical, economical and educational nature.
- Organizes meetings, seminars, technical courses, etc.
- Keeps relationships with the Spanish and European Union Administrations and Institutions.
- Participates in Associations and Organizations of national and international character, as, for example:
ECSA European Community Shipowners’ Associations
ICS International Chamber of Shipping
ISF International Shipping Federation
BIMCO The Baltic and International Maritime Council
INTERTANKO International Association of Independent Tanker Owners
CEOE Confederación Española de Organizaciones Empresariales
GASNAM Asociación de transporte sostenible que integra la cadena de valor del gas y el hidrógeno para alcanzar los retos medioambientales, económicos y operacionales del transporte por tierra, mar y aire.
SPC–SPAIN Shortsea Promotion Center